How Minimalism Saved My Life / Formerly *The Field Blog*
As of today, I’ve changed the name of this blog. It is no longer strictly about my fieldwork. In honor of my life taking on a new path, I...
How Minimalism Saved My Life / Formerly *The Field Blog*
2021: What can I say? Nobody *really* likes you, but here we are.
Cheers to you, Eric Lindsay.
Shutting down mask production.
From #rovingbee to #sewingbee ?
2020 Update: Our Progress and the Road Ahead
Stay sharp.
Notre Dame is on my mind.
Waiting out the Polar Vortex in Florida
Project Provenance and the Met
Client Gifts and Team Appreciation
Is today the day to blog?
Christmas in Colorado (in early December)
All the King's Horses
The Bear Desk
Farewell Tangerine.
The first time
Fight like a girl, Lydia!
June Weir